“Alive Now” details the things we’re thinking about, planning for, and looking forward to.

Lutherans Maligned: Setting the Record Straight

Lutherans Maligned: Setting the Record Straight by Texas Impact News & Updates ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds by Rev. Keats Miles-Wallace February 1st, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn took to X with a screen capture of tax dollars given to Lutheran Social Services (LSS) in various states and Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service), claiming that these organizations were laundering money through the federal government. This post was quickly amplified by Elon Musk, who falsely…

Texas Impact – Our Partner in State Public Polic

Texas Impact is designated by the ELCA as the State Public Policy Office (SPPO) for ELCA Lutherans in Texas. There are 17 SPPOs serving ELCA Lutherans across the country, advancing the work of ELCA Advocacy and its partners at the state level. Texas Impact is your resource for faith-based advocacy, public policy updates, and action opportunities here in our state.  Find out more about the ELCA’s State Public Policy Office network and see a map…

Public Funds for Public Schools

“I’m a native Texan, a product of Texas public schools, and a faith leader… The Texas Consitution outlines clearly that it is a responsibility of the Texas governmnet to provide for the children of Texas to be educated. This voucher program would benefit maybe one or two percent of the young people in this state. It is not what we want. It is not what we need.” -  NT-NL Bishop Erik Gronberg Add your voice…

When the Church aligns with empire, it ceases to be the Church

Empire exists to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, often at the expense of the poor and powerless. Whether the empire is Roman, German, or American, its interests stand diametrically opposed to the interest of the Church. Christian Nationalism in the United States dresses the interest of empire in religious garb, turning acts of worship into performative displays of “patriotism.” The result multiplies harm to both civil society and the witness of the…

What does it mean to be the church within a society?

Pastor Dan Wiechert Emmanuel Lutheran Church Granbury, TX adapted from the July 2023 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Newsletter ELCA’s Social Statements are a resource to help us think about, discuss, and act as we seek to live in peace with our neighbors. ELCA.org describes them this way: ELCA social statements are teaching and policy documents that provide broad frameworks to assist us in thinking about and discussing social issues in the context of faith and life.…

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