Public Funds for Public Schools

“I’m a native Texan, a product of Texas public schools, and a faith leader… The Texas Consitution outlines clearly that it is a responsibility of the Texas governmnet to provide for the children of Texas to be educated. This voucher program would benefit maybe one or two percent of the young people in this state. It is not what we want. It is not what we need.” -  NT-NL Bishop Erik Gronberg Add your voice…

When the Church aligns with empire, it ceases to be the Church

Empire exists to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, often at the expense of the poor and powerless. Whether the empire is Roman, German, or American, its interests stand diametrically opposed to the interest of the Church. Christian Nationalism in the United States dresses the interest of empire in religious garb, turning acts of worship into performative displays of “patriotism.” The result multiplies harm to both civil society and the witness of the…

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