You are currently viewing Cultivating Compassion Session 3: Better Conversations about Disproportionality

Cultivating Compassion Session 3: Better Conversations about Disproportionality

VIRTUAL: Thu, Mar 23, 2023 7:00 PM

IN PERSON: Sat, Mar 25, 2023 9:00 AM

A data-driven discussion about how we can measure both the problems of our world and the extent to which our strategies to solve them are effective. Practice embracing observation (of the data) without judgment, acknowledging the feelings that arise, and understanding the needs behind those feelings builds a foundation for subsequent conversations.

Having spent time learning how to experience, acknowledge, and express our own emotion, this session will create opportunities to do that. We’ll look at various ways that disproportionality occurs and explore how we can be present to the reality that not all people are represented in proportionally in health outcomes, education, prison populations, executive and board roles, and government leadership.

